Bob GeraceTreasurer
Bob recently was appointed to the RPS board in April 2018. Elected Treasurer in June 2018.
Retired from Paychex as a Senior Leadership & Management Trainer having trained over 1,000 managers there. Retired Captain in the Naval Reserve Intelligence Program with over 27 years of service. 35 consecutive years as Adjunct Professor at RIT. 5 current years as Adjunct Professor with MCC’s Corporate College.
Currently President of the World Affairs Council of Rochester, an organization which brings in former ambassadors, members of the State Dept., foreign correspondents, and foreign policy authors to speak once per month. A former member of the Board of SCORE.
Lived in Zambia, Africa for one year as a UN Advisor in Banking to the Minister of Finance. Incredibly beautiful country. 10+ trips to Grand Cayman for scuba diving.