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Patricia Warth-Behind the Media Hype: The Realities of Criminal Justice Reform

RPS Presentation, June 11,  2025–  Patricia Warth- Behind the Media Hype: The Realities of Criminal Justice Reform

Patricia is the Director of the NYS Office of Indigent Legal Services (ILS). She started at ILS in 2015, first as Chief Attorney for the Hurrell-Harring Settlement Unit and then as Counsel until her 2021 nomination as Director.   

Patricia earned a B.A. from Notre Dame University and a J.D. from Cornell Law School. She has worked for the NYS Capital Defender Office, as Managing Attorney of the Buffalo, NY office of Prisoner’s Legal Services of NY, and as Director of Justice Strategies at the Center for Community Alternatives.    

The experiences of arrested people have informed her research and advocacy. She has conducted research about and delivered presentations on sentencing advocacy, mitigation investigation, NYS sentencing law, prison-based programs, sex offense registration, NYS drug law reform, and the life-long consequences of a criminal conviction to many audiences. Ms. Warth co-authored CCA’s reports, “The Use of Criminal History Records in College Admissions Reconsidered,” and “Boxed Out: Criminal History Screening and College Application Attrition, and the 2013 article, “Barred Forever: Seniors, Housing, and Sex Offense Registration,” published in the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy.   


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